
·        Good with children, but always supervised

·        Very adaptable, happy living in an apartment or house

·        Intelligent, easy to train but mischievous

·        Good choice for first time dog owners because Frenchies are easy to train and house train with the bonus being they thrive on being in a family environment

·        Only need shorter walks several times a day rather than fewer long ones

·        Low shedding although like other breeds they drop more hair in the spring and the autumn

·        Wonderful companions because they are so amenable and eager to please without being overly demanding

·        Frenchies have become the most popular breed in the UK and for good reason. They are people-oriented, easy to train and extremely adaptable


·        Expensive to buy a well-bred, pedigree puppy from established, reputable breeders

·        Can be stubborn and demanding at times

·        Prone to developing "Small Dog Syndrome" if they are too pampered

·        Can be overly possessive of owners and families

·        Need grooming every week paying special attention to folds and tails

·        Fold and flaps need checking and cleaning regularly either on a daily or weekly basis

·        Can be smelly at times if their coats are not correctly cared for

·        Prone to certain hereditary and congenital health issues

·        Do not tolerate being on their own for any length of time and often suffer from separation anxiety

·        French Bulldogs overheat very quickly in warm weather because of their flatter faces


Related to both the American Bulldog and English Bulldog, the French Bulldog is smaller in size and is an exceptionally playful and good-natured character that easily adapts to different lifestyles and home environments making them one of the most popular companion dogs not only in the UK, but elsewhere in the world too. Frenchies crave lots of attention and like nothing more than to spend time with their owners. One of their most endearing traits is their willingness to please and although they can be stubborn, when carefully handled Frenchies can be taught to do some amazing things.

French Bulldogs are known to be the clowns of the dog world, but they are quite intelligent with a mischievous and playful streak in them. They may become a little possessive and protective of owners and will occasionally need a gentle reminder about who is the alpha dog in a household. They are generally very good around children, although it is best to always supervise any encounters kids have with Frenchies, much the same as with any other breed of dog.


There is a lot of speculation on the actual origin of the French Bulldog, but it is likely that the breed originated from the miniature or toy Bulldog (a cross of English Bulldogs and Terrier type dogs) which were brought to France by Nottingham lace workers during the industrial revolution that took place in England during the 1800’s. Other people believe the French Bulldog is descended from the Chincha Bulldog, a breed native to ancient Peru and which no longer exists today.

The modern French Bulldog we see today is a descendant of ancient dogs bred by an ancient Greek tribe called the Molossians. These large and robust dogs found their way to many regions of the ancient world having been introduced to these areas by Phoenician traders. At the time, the dogs were bred to other breeds creating many sub-families which led to the creation of many other breeds which includes the Saint Bernard, Rottweilers, Great Pyreness and Newfoundlands as well as one breed which is now extinct called the Bullenbeiser, a dog that was used for bull baiting and fighting.

Bullenbeisers are the foundation dogs of modern breeds which are now known as "bulldogs" and this includes English Bulldogs, Olde English Bulldogges, American Bulldogs  and French Bulldogs.

Britain outlawed bull baiting in 1835 which saw many bulldogs take on another role and people started crossing them with terrier-type dogs with an end goal being to create smaller bulldogs. Fifteen years later, there was an overflow of miniature Bulldogs in the capital of London which were now companions rather than fighting or sporting dogs. These smaller dogs were also crossed with Pugs which produced the dogs we see today.

Lace workers from Nottingham were real breed enthusiasts and used these little dogs to warm their laps while working. It was during the Industrial Revolution that Nottingham's lace workers took their dogs with them when they moved to Normandy in France in search of work. Their little dogs soon found favour with the French and many Bulldogs the English did not like because they were too small were then sent over to France where they became extremely popular. French lace workers were especially fond of the smaller Bulldogs with upright ears and named them the Bouledogue Français. Very soon these little dogs became popular with Parisiens and became a symbol of fashion for the elite.

The Bouledogue Français was then reintroduced to England in 1893 where they were met with resistance from English Bulldog breeders, but to get around the problem French Bulldog breeders of the day set up their own Bulldog Club and held their first show in 1902. The first ever breed club was established in Paris in the late 1800’s and a little later a breed standard was established.

The Kennel Club accepted the Bouledogue Français as a breed in 1903 and a few years later the breed's name was changed to French Bulldog. Over the years, the breed standard has been continually updated with more colours being considered acceptable which includes the colour fawn. Today, French Bulldogs are the most popular breed in the UK and elsewhere in the world, thanks to their adorable looks and kind, affectionate natures.

Interesting facts about the breed

·        Is the French Bulldog a vulnerable breed? No, they are the most popular dogs in the UK and elsewhere in the world

·        They are thought to be originally from Ancient Greece

·        Great care must be taken when French Bulldogs travel on planes because they are a brachycephalic breed and therefore more at risk if they travel in cargo holds

·        French Bulldogs are not built to be good swimmers and care should always be taken when they are around water

·        Frenchies are very sensitive dogs by nature and hate being shouted at

·        They can have two shapes to their ears being rose-shaped or bat-shaped with dogs in the UK mainly being bred to have rose-shaped ears

·        Lace makers in the UK were big fans of the breed and used Frenchies as lap warmers while working

·        A 9-year old Frenchie called Bugsy adopted a baby orang-utan called Malone in Twycross Zoo and looked after the baby until he was old enough to join the mature orang-utans

·        French Bulldogs are not "barkers", but they are a talkative breed by nature and will hold long conversations with the people they love

·        French Bulldogs are a firm favourite with many celebrities the world over which includes Hugh Jackman who owns a dog called Dali


Height at the withers: Males 30 cm, Females 30 cm

Average Weight: Males 12.5 kg, Females 11 kg

French Bulldogs are small yet extremely muscular and strong looking dogs. Heavy in bone with a smooth coat and compactly built, they are powerful little dogs. The head should be large and square with a slightly rounded skull with skin folds and wrinkles typically found around it.

The muzzle is broad and deep with a nose that should be extremely short and black in colour, except in the case of the lighter-coloured dogs, where a lighter colour is acceptable. The underjaw is undershot and turned up, but neat.

Eyes are wide apart, set low down in the skull, as far from the ears as possible, being round and moderate in size. A French Bulldog's ears are a distinctive shape often referred to as 'bat ears', they are broad at the base, elongated, rounded at the tops and set high on a dog's head.

A Frenchie's neck is well proportioned and thickly set, muscular and well arched, with loose skin at the throat leading to short, straight forelegs that are set wide apart. The body is short and well rounded, muscular and compact with broad shoulders leading into a deep chest which gives the French Bulldog their powerful appearance. Hind legs are notably longer than the forelegs giving the appearance of a higher rump than withers. The tail can be either straight or screwed, but never curly.

A French Bulldog's coat is short and fine and comes in a variety of colours.

A dog's skin should be soft and loose, especially at the head and shoulders, forming the French Bulldog's characteristic folds and wrinkles.


When French Bulldogs move, they do so freely with a flowing movement and soundness in a dog is vital.


French Bulldogs are the perfect companion dogs much preferring to be around people than being left on their own. They crave human contact and enjoy nothing more than acting "the clown" whenever they can. They are considered to be of average intelligence but are able to learn new commands readily, once you get passed their stubborn streak. They are known to be easy-going and loyal companions to live with thanks to their sweet and affectionate natures. They are a good choice for people who live in smaller homes and apartments with the good news being they are not known to be "barkers" although they don't like being left on their own.

The French Bulldog is an ideal choice of pet for people who lead quieter lives because they will quite happily sit on the couch with their owner. However, these little dogs need to be given regular daily exercise and ideally this needs to be at least 1 hour a day otherwise French Bulldogs can quickly plough on the pounds. Obesity is a real problem for the breed which results in dogs developing all sorts of health issues and can shorten their lifespan considerably.

As previously mentioned, Frenchies are intelligent little dogs that rank 58 out of 79 breeds in many surveys. They love to please which means they are quite easy to train, providing their stubborn streak does not rear its ugly head. It pays to take things slowly and surely when training a Frenchie and being very patient will pay off in the end. Frenchies can be taught to do all sorts of things, some of which are highly amusing which adds to their label of being the "clowns of the dog world".

Positive reinforcement training is essential, but it’s important to monitor how many rewards a Frenchie is given during their education to ensure a dog does not put on too much weight, especially when they are still puppies or young dogs. Carrying too much weight puts extra pressure on growing joints and not fully developed ligaments which can lead to all sorts of bone deformities, a problem the breed is already known to suffer from anyway.

Are they a good choice for first time dog owners?

French Bulldogs are a great choice for first time owners because they are always so amenable and eager to please. They make wonderful companions and family pets because they thrive in a home environment loving nothing more than to be involved in everything that goes on in their surroundings.

What about prey drive?

French Bulldogs are known to have quite a high prey drive and they like to chase anything that moves especially if it's a smaller and weaker than them. As such, care should be taken when they are around small pets and animals they don't already know. When out on a walk, French Bulldogs should only be allowed to run free off their leads in areas where there is little chance of them taking off after any smaller animals they might come across. It's also important that French Bulldogs be well trained from the word go so they respond to the "recall" command rather than turn a deaf ear when called.

What about playfulness?

French Bulldogs are known to be very clown-like and love entertaining their owners which is just one of their most endearing traits and why the breed has become so popular over the years. They remain very puppy-like well into their senior years making them a joy to have around.

What about adaptability?

Frenchies are highly adaptable small dogs which means they are just as happy living in an apartment as they are in a house providing, they are given the right amount of daily exercise that is. A bored French Bulldog would quickly find ways to keep themselves entertained which is often by becoming destructive and noisy around the house when they find themselves on their own.

What about separation anxiety?

Frenchies form very strong bonds with their owners and as such they can suffer from a condition known as separation anxiety if they find they are left on their own for any length of time. As such they are better suited to households where one person stays at home when everyone else is out.

What about excessing barking?

French Bulldogs are not known to be that vocal, but should a dog feel neglected or left to their own devices for too long, they may well start barking for attention. The same can be said of dogs that are spoiled and therefore become more demanding. Frenchies need to be taught from a young age not to bark and this should always be done gently, but firmly without frightening dogs, so they understand what is expected of them and therefore mature into well-balanced, quiet dogs.

Are French Bulldogs good watchdogs?

A French Bulldog would be quick off the mark to let an owner know when there are visitors at the door or when strangers are about, but they are not the best watchdogs because of their very social natures.

Intelligence / Trainability

French Bulldogs are quite intelligent, but they do have a bit of a stubborn streak in them at times. The good news is that these little dogs like nothing better than to please which in short, means that with the right sort of handling they are easy to train. With this said, their training needs to start early and it's essential that it remains consistent throughout a dog's life.

The other thing about Frenchies is they can be boisterous when the mood takes them which usually means they act like real clowns and this can make training them more challenging. As such, it sometimes takes a lot of patience and a little more time to get them focused on what is being asked of them. The thing to bear in mind is that these dogs are smart and know just how to wrap their owners around their little paws which is something that should be considered when training them.

Frenchie puppies should be taught the ground rules from an early age even though it is all too easy to spoil them thanks to their cuteness. With this said, a French Bulldog puppy needs to know the limits and boundaries of acceptable behaviour and the first commands they should be taught are as follow:

·        Come

·        Sit

·        Stay

·        Quiet

·        Leave it

·        Down

·        Bed

Children and Other Pets

Thanks to their gentle natures and providing French Bulldogs are well socialised from a young age, they generally get on well with other animals and family pets. Early socialisation is essential as it will enhance their laid back but playful natures. They are also noted for being a breed that gets along extremely well with children of all ages because they always display a lot of patience and kindness towards younger members of a family, which is just another reason these little dogs have consistently remained high up on the list as a popular choice of family pet.

However, it always pays to take things slowly, quietly and smoothly when any dog first meets another animal or dog they have never encountered before to avoid any aggressive behaviour. If a Frenchie has grown up with a family cat, they generally form strong bonds with each other, but the same cannot be said of any other cats they might meet which they would happily chase away.


What about spaying and neutering?

A lot of vets these days recommend waiting until dogs are slightly older before spaying and neutering them which means they are more mature before undergoing the procedures. As such they advise neutering males and spaying females when they are between the ages of 6 to 9 months old. Other vets recommend spaying and neutering dogs when they are 6 months old, but never any earlier unless for medical reasons.

What about obesity problems?

Frenchies are prone to putting on weight if they are not fed correctly or given the correct amount of daily exercise. Even when a dog carries a little more weight than they should, it can negatively impact their overall health and well-being. When they are obese, it can shorten their lives by several years and can trigger all sorts of health issues that often prove hard to treat. A healthy French Bulldog should show a little rib and they should have a waist. If you can't see your dog's ribs and they don't have a waistline, it's time to rethink a dog's diet and the amount of daily exercise they are being given. It's also important to cut down on the amount of treats a Frenchie is given which could be one of the reasons why they are ploughing on the pounds.

Caring for a French Bulldog

As with any other breed, French Bulldogs need to be groomed on a regular basis to make sure their coats and skin are kept in tip-top condition, bearing in mind they are prone to suffering from skin issues. They also need to be given regular daily exercise, so they stay fit and healthy. On top of this, Frenchies need to be fed a good quality diet throughout their lives to ensure all their nutritional needs are met.

Caring for a French Bulldog puppy

French Bulldog puppies are boisterous and fun-loving as well as being incredibly cute. The good news is that they are easy to housetrain and will quickly learn where to do their "business" when given the right sort of gentle guidance and direction. However, there may be an accident or two along the way which is to be expected from a young puppy when they first arrive in a new home.

It is important not to leave puppies alone for too long when they first arrive in the home. As such it’s best to bring them home when people are going to be around for a few days. The thing to bear in mind is that a puppy would have just lost the company of all their litter mates and their mother which in short, means they are going to be feeling stressed out, all alone and vulnerable. Having you around will help them feel less anxious and should help them through the transition period of having left their group and settling into a new home.

Setting up a quiet area is also important because puppies need lots of napping time in between bouts of boisterous play. This should be in a corner of a room that does not have too much traffic while at the same time being in a place that's not too isolated so that puppy knows people are around and you can keep an eye and ear on them too. You can either set up a dog basket or a crate, whichever is the most suitable for your circumstance bearing in mind that a bed needs to be well made just in case puppy decides to chew on it and that crates should be large enough for them to move around freely without being too big so puppy feels lost in it.

It is also important to start a puppy's education as early as possible which should include grooming them, touching their paws, nails and ears as well as getting them used to wearing a collar or a harness in preparation for them being taught how to walk nicely on a lead. The best way to do this is to make it fun so that your Frenchie enjoys the experience every time. However, it is also important not to "spoil" your dog too much which could lead to behavioural problems later on. Laying down ground rules and boundaries as well as setting up a feeding routine is all part of the process of getting a puppy used to their new surroundings.


A Frenchie needs regular grooming and ideally this needs to be done on a weekly basis paying special attention to under a dog's tail. They have what is known as "deep tail pockets" which need to be kept clean of any dead hair, skin and other debris to avoid the area becoming sore and irritated. If left dirty, it could result in a painful infection taking hold. The best way to clean under a dog's tail is to use a damp cloth and to towel dry the area gently, but thoroughly afterwards,

Having a short, compact coat, a Frenchie is quite easy maintenance on the grooming front. They tend to shed more during the Spring and then again in the Autumn which is when they may need more frequent brushing. However, because they have lots of folds and wrinkles around their faces and other parts of their bodies, it's always a good idea to make sure these are kept free of any debris and dead skin which means using a clean damp cloth and regularly wiping the folds before thoroughly drying them with a clean towel. It's important to remove any moisture from the wrinkles and folds because if any moisture remains, it provides the perfect environment for bacteria to take hold and thrive in.

Ideal grooming routine

·        Ears, nails and glands should be checked and cleaned every 4 to 8 weeks

·        Folds and flaps around a Frenchie's eyes need to be gently cleaned every day or so using a soft, damp cloth. It is crucial that folds and flaps are kept clean and dry to avoid bacterial infections taking hold which could prove hard to clear up

·        Ears need to be checked every month and cleaned when necessary

·        It is best to give a Frenchie a bath every 6 to 8 weeks only using a hypo-allergenic shampoo making sure that dogs are well rinsed and dried off after their baths

·        Paws and pads should be regularly checked to make sure they are in good condition and have not developed any painful and sore cracks

·        Tools you'll need include a shedding blade which is great for removing any dead hair in a Frenchie's coat. A slicker, bristle or steel pin brush, 2-in-1 comb, liquid detangler


Being a brachycephalic breed, the Frenchie should not be over-exercised during very hot weather because not only would they would have trouble breathing, but they could quickly overheat and this could lead to a dog suffering from hypothermia, a serious condition that should never be taken too lightly. They are energetic and lively little dogs which means they need to have a minimum of 1 hour's daily exercise for them to remain fit and healthy or they might start to put on too much weight. They do better when given several shorter walks rather than fewer long walks, but they also benefit and enjoy playing lots of interactive games throughout the day in between being taken out for walks.

 It's also a good idea to keep these little dogs mentally stimulated by playing lots of interactive games with them, something the Frenchie really enjoys, and it helps strengthen the bonds they form with their owners. Frenchies are not built to take part in canine sports and their temperament does not really suit things like obedience competitions because they are such independent thinkers by nature. 


Frenchies do a lot better when a fed a good quality varied diet because they quickly get bored with their food if they are fed the same food day in and day out. It is better to feed them two smaller meals a day rather than a single large one.

French Bulldogs are not greedy dogs although they will put on weight all too easily if not given a correct, good quality, nutritious diet to suit their ages and not given the right amount of daily exercise. They are not known to be fussy eaters, but again their diet needs to be monitored, paying careful attention to what a dog is given to eat should they start to gain weight. This is especially true of younger Frenchies that still have a lot of growing and developing to do. Any extra weight young dogs carry puts a lot of strain and pressure on their bones, joints and ligaments.

Feeding guide for a French Bulldog puppy

Puppies need to be fed more frequently than an adult, mature, older dog which in short means they need to be fed 3 or 4 times a day following a breeder's guidelines. The thing to remember is that a puppy is still growing which they do in bursts and as such they need the right levels of vitamins and minerals in their diet to ensure healthy growth. Spreading the meals to 3 or 4 a day helps ensure that a puppy's blood sugar levels don't rise too dramatically in between meals which in turn helps maintain energy levels and the amount of nutrients in their systems too.

When a puppy is around 6 months old, they can be fed 3 to 4 times a day which is a routine that can be continued throughout their lives because the more frequently a Frenchie is fed throughout the day the less they are at risk of developing any sort of gastric disorder. With this said, it's important not to overfeed a dog either because French Bulldogs will happily eat too much if they are given the opportunity even when they are puppies. As a rough guide, a Frenchie puppy should be fed the following amounts every day to ensure good growth and development:

·        2 months old   - 121g to 181g depending on puppy's build

·        3 months old - 142g to 213g depending on puppy's build

·        4 months old - 151g to 229g depending on puppy's build

·        5 months old - 153g to 233g depending on puppy's build

·        6 months old - 152g to 233g depending on puppy's build

·        7 months old - 138g to 216g depending on puppy's build

·        9 months old - 110g to 184g depending on puppy's build

Once a puppy is 11 months old, they can be fed adult dog food.